Friday, October 24, 2008

Got Milk?

I stopped on my way home from work to pick up some milk. Now being single I usually do not buy a whole gallon, but I figured with the weekend coming and the extended expiration date, what the heck!
This market I go to encourages its patrons to bring their own bags, but I forgot mine in the car. Without boring you with too many details, it was quite a spectacle in my garage - computer bag, duffle bag, purse and two flimsy paper shopping bags with paper handles all hanging from various body parts. Needless to say, something just HAD to fall off of me and of course it was the bag with the milk - SPLAT!
First I thought just the top had opened, but NO, a huge crack down the side had emerged. I thought I could carry it up the three flights of stairs and make it up the elevator to my 5th floor apartment. Upon arrival I think it would have been a pint of milk and all the cats in the building would have formed a conga line to my apartment. I decided to toss the sorry gallon in the trash can in the garage.
Lessons learned - Stick to the half gallon, remember the canvas shopping bags next time and yes, it is OK to cry over spilt milk. Uffa!

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