Friday, March 13, 2009

It is a Ladies Room So Act Like One!

I must speak on a topic that may seem objectionable to some, for this rant is a long time coming. Not a day goes by that I do not encounter some deplorable sight in the ladies room at work. Most days when I enter, I go through the stalls like Goldilocks – this seat is too wet, this bowl is too full, and this one is just right! Without getting into gory detail, I am amazed at the things I have seen. It would turn the strongest of stomachs and it has. On one occasion I pulled one of my male co-workers into the ladies room just to witness the debauchery. He ran out, hollering, trying to rub the massacre from his eyes. He has not been the same since.

I can rant for days about this subject and give endless pointers on etiquette in the restroom, but I will just stick with three major problems. Ladies, just because it is a self-flushing toilet does not mean it will take care of your business. Turn before you exit and give it an all clear. A courtesy flush is always appreciated. Also, do you squat at home? No reason to squat in the workplace. Studies show there are more germs on the handles of shopping carts than on public toilet seats so sit your ass down. As soon as one squats we all have to squat! Lastly, American Standard does not manufacture garbage disposals. It is not the place for your monthly items, candy wrappers and excess wads of paper goods. No amount of courtesy flushing can rid the world of these non-flushable objects.

I must admit, there are days when I walk out of that ladies room, very embarrassed and ashamed to be a woman. I try to rationalize, think to myself, there are statistics out there showing men are lazier then women, they do not pick up after themselves and they need to be reminded to clean up. It is only for a brief moment I feel better because I know when nature calls at work, these stats, all flush down the toilet.


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